In countries with better developed communication infrastructure, more than 80% of data consumption happens
INDOORS THROUGH FIXED-LINE CONNECTIVITY in homes, in offices and other premises.
Optical Fiber based fixed-line broadband is the future.
Fixed-line broadband offers HUNDREDS OF MEGABITS, even GIGABITS per second of data speeds.
Jio is determined to move India to among the top 5 in fixed-line broadband, too.
Your company has already invested over Rs 250,000 crore for creating state-of-the-art digital infrastructure to provide
mobile and broadband connectivity across the country, with the largest fiber footprint.
We will now extend this fiber connectivity to homes, merchants, small and medium enterprises and large enterprises
simultaneously across 1,100 cities to offer the most advanced fiber-based broadband connectivity solutions.
FOR THE HOME, this will mean…
ULTRA HIGH DEFINITION entertainment on your large screen TVs…
MULTI-PARTY VIDEO CONFERENCING from the comfort of your living room…
VOICE-ACTIVATED VIRTUALASSISTANTS who obey your every command…
VIRTUAL REALITY GAMING and DIGITAL SHOPPING where you are magically transported into a digital universe
SMART-HOME SOLUTIONS… where hundreds of devices like security cameras, home appliances… even lights
and switches… can be securely controlled by their owners using a smartphone… from both inside and outside the

This will redefine 24X7 emergency help for all homes.
FOR MERCHANTS and SMALLBUSINESSES, fixed-line broadband means…
When you combine fixed-line connectivity and cloud applications with the agility and customer obsession of a small
owner-driven business you empower them to compete on level terms with larger businesses.
Jio is thus performing a task of VITAL NATIONAL IMPORTANCE.
Because the success of Indian small businesses and small merchants translates directly into faster and more
sustainable growth with large-scale employment for the Indian economy.
Likewise, FOR LARGE ENTERPRISES, fixed-line broadband will mean…
Having the ability to compete in the global marketplace using digital tools and techniques that are powering the
We are calling this fiber based broadband service JIO GIGAFIBER.
Dear Friends,
The three most popular apps YouTube, WhatsApp and Facebook will be available to all the JioPhone users from 15th
Jio was born with a purpose.
To transform India with the power of the Digital Revolution.
For this vision to be realised, every Indian must become a DIGITAL INDIAN.
However, as many as 500 million Indians still use feature phones, who cannot use the Internet.
The doors of Digital Life are closed to them because of the problem of affordability.
Which is why, last year we offered the JioPhone – India Ka Smartphone – for a fully refundable deposit of Rs 1500.
In other words, for an effective price of zero.